Compassionate coaching that works with your unique strengths...

Make sense of the noise, and create a life that fits with your deeper values and needs.

Coaching with me is a collaborative conversation for those who feel deeply and think differently – people who often experience the world in an intense, nuanced way

You may be highly sensitive, neurodivergent, or someone particularly creative or empathic – with all the complex gifts and the challenges these things bring.

I see your potential and your brilliance – even in the messy, scared, or ‘weird’ parts you often hide away.

The coaching process

Our work together is a journey of understanding, exploring, and taking action.

We’ll start by uncovering the perspectives and patterns that no longer serve you, creating space for new perspectives and growth.

From there, we’ll focus on building compassionate self-awareness, taking aligned action, and moving forward with clarity and confidence.

This process is designed to help you navigate life’s complexities in a way that feels authentic, empowering, and sustainable.

Whether you’re facing overwhelm, burnout, or a major transition, our coaching will support you in making meaningful, lasting change.

This coaching process isn’t about quick fixes or surface-level solutions. It’s about helping you reconnect with your core values and develop a deep sense of self-compassion that guides you toward meaningful, lasting change.

Whether you’re navigating professional challenges, personal growth, or life transitions, we’ll work together to create a future that feels true to who you are.

You’ll set the agenda, though I’ll support you to define it if you’re not clear yet. My role is to ask the right questions, offer gentle insights, and help you discover your own path forward.

I won’t give you a formula or tell you what to do, but I will challenge assumptions, listen carefully for patterns, and provide tools that help you reconnect with your authentic self.

As someone who is highly sensitive and neurodivergent, I understand the need for a different approach to coaching and personal development – one that honours your unique way of experiencing the world.

"The coaching with Christina has given me the confidence and self-belief to say and do what I believe with conviction. It’s shown me that there are no barriers to where I can take myself, that I can stop doubting myself or procrastinating because there are no failures, just lessons learned!"
Neil Carter

What could we work on in coaching?

Building self-compassion...

For more sensitive and introspective people, self-compassion is critical

This work isn’t “wishy-washy” or soft – it’s a courageous practice that asks you to confront self-criticism, shame, and the inner voices that tell you you’re not enough. 
Together, we’ll develop ways to cultivate more kindness toward yourself and learn how to set boundaries that protect your energy without guilt.

Taking sustainable action...

Taking action isn’t about forcing yourself into rigid goals or plans. In my coaching, we focus on finding the natural flow between internal exploration and external steps.
The best actions come from a place where you feel aligned with who you are, not from external pressures or rushed decisions. 

You don’t have to have everything perfectly sorted before you take action, but sustainable progress happens when we honour all parts of you (even the ones that resist change).
This balance between internal reflection and external action is where new energy and unexpected outcomes emerge.

Coaching with me can support you to...

What's it like to work with me?

"Christina is the best listener I have ever worked with. She provides space for thinking, gentle prompts, clarification when I'm muddled and an ability to summarise my thoughts in a way I have never experienced before. Her support has been invaluable."
Hayley Gillard
"The work we did together felt effortless and empowering. I now have access to a new-found inner confidence that I can access on my own any time I choose. Christina’s an amazing, highly-skilled coach with a capacity to steer change in the most gentle, non-intrusive way."
Olya Chaschin
Considering working with me? Want to meet and see if it's a good fit?
We can have a 30-minute, no-pressure conversation to see if it's the right next step.